Great ReAwakening Vs. The Great Reset | "There Is a Man By the Name of Mr. Clark & There Is Also Another Man By the Name of Donald. You Are Both Watching Me Saying Could It Be That God Is Speaking to Me? Yes He Is." - Kim Clement (4/20/2013)
Yuval Noah Harari | "People Writing Emails. Many People Say, Oh I'm Too Busy, I'll Just Tell ChatGPT to Write a Polite Letter That Says No. On the Other Side You Have Another Human That Says to ChapGPT Tell Me, What Did They Say?"
Great Reset | The Neurosity CROWN | "We Need An ANTI-VIRUS for the Brain." + "You Can Connect Several Brains Together to Create an Inter-Brain Net. Who Am I When I Can Access Directly the Brain of Another Person." Yuval Noah Harari