TRUMP CIVIL WAR TRIGGER April 12th 1861 & 2024 FILM = 163 Year Great CONFLICT & APRIL 14 LINCOLN... - April 12th 1861 & April 12 2024 FILM = 163 Year Anniversary of Great CONFLICT & APRIL 14 LINCOLN...G163 - TO BRING INTO CAPTIVITY AMERICA
Your favorite dictator is up to his old tricks. Telling everyone to get j☠️bbed up so we'll have a much better Winter this year than last year. I know what I'm going to do this year not comply AGAIN!
Jessie Czebotar – Illuminate the Darkness - EVIL ELITE HUNT CHILDREN #RUMBLETAKEOVER #RUMBLE JESSIE CZEBOTAR At age 3, Jessie gave her heart to Jesus. A bit over a year later, she was forced into Illuminati training to become the successor of the Queen