1 year agoPfizer and Moderna are buying up the production of drugs to treat vaccine side effects!Alex7Tumanov
1 year agoMel Gibson filming the dock. a movie that will expose the global child sexual exploitation market!Alex7Tumanov
1 year agoIn Vietnam, a strange parasitic species has been discovered that lives deep in the nose.Alex7Tumanov
1 year agoWriting Satan's genetic code into human DNA, possibly with the help of mRNA and CRISPR!Alex7Tumanov
1 year agoReptilians are the highest caste of demons! Some underwater species show signs of gill removal!Alex7Tumanov
3 years agoBUSTED! 3 COVID tragic stories released by NSW Health all PAID Crisis Actors | AUSTRALIAN TyrannyPastor Steve Cioccolanti Christian Prophecy NewsVerified
1 year agoGlobalists are purposefully infecting humanity with cancer and not only with cancer...Alex7Tumanov
1 year agoSalmon filled with magnetic nanoparticles. The same material found in mRNA vaccines.Alex7Tumanov
1 year agoThe globalists are preparing hunger for us! Explosion and fire at a dairy farm in Texas.Alex7Tumanov