Hot Mic: World Series Poker player Aaron Duczak says “I wish I never would have gotten the vaccine. I’ve been having chest pains ever since I had that thing.”
CDC Hid The V-Safe Data And We Know Why; It’s Dire It clearly shows that these vaccines are the most dangerous vaccines we've ever created, that's why.
Dem Goldman: "Biden is far more up to the job than Trump, it was an aberration, we'll see over the next week how he restores our confidence in his fitness as vibrant & whip smart president that we've had for the last 3.5 years!"
Should Biden take a cognitive exam? Democrat Warnock: "I'm not a doctor. It's not something I've even thought about. I'll tell you, Trump is a sick person. He lies every 90 secs. I don't know anybody like that..."
Creepy Biden Pandering & Dividing Show: "The other team doesn't see the world like we see it, they don't have the same attitude we have, they are the most closed-minded people that I've ever dealt with."
TPM’s on AI bots: "We've created this technology and we have thought that this would help us, but really, will it do any of these things, or will it replace us?"