6 months agoTherefore my heart is glad, and my glory rejoices; My flesh also will rest in hope.60seconds4jesus
3 months agoPutin: “For Centuries W. Elites Have Filled Their Bellies w/ Human Flesh”QNewsPatriotVerified
2 years agoYuval Noah Harari | "There Is No God In the Universe and No Human Rights"Thrivetime Show: The ReAwakening versus The Great ResetVerified
2 years agoHUMAN MEAT PROJECT - CANNIBALISM IS REAL - they are not human..EXPOSE the PEDOS end of the CABAL
2 years agoReAwaken America Tour | Momentum GrowsThrivetime Show: The ReAwakening versus The Great ResetVerified
2 years agoOregon | An Oregon Phenomenon! People Wearing Masks Outside Walking Alone to Protect Themselves from AirThrivetime Show: The ReAwakening versus The Great ResetVerified
3 months agoThe good that we want to do we allow not because our flesh presses down on our souls.IUICPortland
1 year agoAll these sneaky Zombie B*tches want to taste Carlos Flesh. Latino Heat Resident Evil 3AntonioNightmare
7 months agoOvercoming the Lust of the Flesh, Eyes & Pride of Life with Scripture! #TheLord #Temptation #PowerDcrypTos
1 year agoWord: it is written: They that are Christ's have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts.Grand Jury Show