DAY OF ATONEMENT 2024, SEPTEMBER 11 eve to SEPTEMBER 12 eve: REHEARSE THE RIGHTEOUS ACTS…”Let no man therefore judge you in meat, in drink, or in respect of an holyday” 🕎Leviticus 23:26-44 KJV
ETYMOLOGY, THE ROOT MEANING OF WORDS “seed” - Middle English Figurative sense of "offspring, progeny, posterity," From late 14c. as "act or time of sowing." The meaning "semen, male fecundating fluid,” 🕎 Romans 1:3 KJV
ETYMOLOGY, THE ROOT MEANING OF WORDS “Israelite” - mid-14c., "a Jew; one of the people of ancient Israel, a descendant of Israel or Jacob," Jacob and extended to his descendants, from sara "he fought, contended"
ETYMOLOGY, THE ROOT MEANING OF WORDS “Puerto Rico” - island in the Greater Antilles group of the West Indies, Spanish, literally "rich harbor;" see port, rich. The name was given in 1493 by Christopher Columbus.🕎Genesis 49;22-26 KJV