Trump Gag Order | "A Judge Gave a Gag Order Today On Speech...What They Don't Understand Is That I Am Willing to Go to Jail If That What It Takes for Our Country to Win & to Become a Democracy Again." - Trump (October 16th 2023) | "If Done Right X Would Become Half of the Global Financial System, Or Some Big Number. The Most Efficient Database for the Thing That Is Money." - Elon Musk (June 27th 2023)
ReAwaken America Tour (December 15th & 16th 2023) + Momentum Builds As General Flynn, Jim Breuer, Devin Nunes, Eric & Lara Trump & Team America Head to Tulare, CA | Request Tickets Via Text: 918-851-0102 &
Pandemic | Another Pandemic On Its Way from China? "Hospitals In China Are Once Again Overwhelmed. You Should Be Worried If You Have Young Unvaccinated Children At Home." - WION News (November 23rd 2023)
Zelensky | Who Is Volodymyr Zelenskyy? Why Did Zelensky Dance In Drag? Why Did Zelensky Hug Emmanuel Macron Like This? Why Did Zelensky Visit Marina Abramović 's "Crystal Wall of Crying?" Why Is Emmanuel Macron Hanging with Yuval Noah Har
Dr. Bryan Ardis | “These Two Venoms Of These Two Snakes Target Nicotine Receptors In The Brainstem That Control Smooth Muscle Contractions Like The Diaphragm You Breathe With.” - Dr. Bryan Ardis
SATANIC Music Industry | "They Are Trying to Normalize the Devil. The Devil Is On the Main Stage At Award Shows And In Every Video...The Devil Worshippers Used to Be Real Secretive." - Tyrese