Great Reset | The Connection Between The World Economic Forum, Yuval Noah Harari, Xi Jinping, Klaus Schwab & The Great Reset Agenda "Many of the Things I Talk About In the West React w/ Fear, In China the Reaction Excitement. WOW, We Can Do That
CBDC | "How Do You Snap the Last Part of the Coral In Place w/ CBDCs & Vaccine Passports? You Don't Say Oh We're Snapping a Control Grid In Place Because We Want to Take Away Your Assets, We Want to Take Away Your Freedoms." - Cath
Dr. Simone Gold | "Doctors Have Become Overwhelmingly Employees. We Were Told What to Do. If Your Employer Told You to Do It (Follow the COVID-19 Protocols), You Do it. Doctors Were Not Thinking for Themselves. This Is Very Concerning."
Lula e Marina entregando a soberania do Brasil aos globalistas,ONU e a agenda climática do Biden,essa é a única mudança climática,escravização do Brasil.