1. Teenage Girl Detained Bourke Street Mall - 1200hrs AEST 24/09/21 1200hrs AEST (z) 24/09/21 Video 5

    Teenage Girl Detained Bourke Street Mall - 1200hrs AEST 24/09/21 1200hrs AEST (z) 24/09/21 Video 5

  2. Wall of Protestors March Past Police en route to the State Parliament (06/11/21) Melbourne Australia

    Wall of Protestors March Past Police en route to the State Parliament (06/11/21) Melbourne Australia

  3. State Parliament Protestors meet with State Library Freedom Fighters (06/11/21)

    State Parliament Protestors meet with State Library Freedom Fighters (06/11/21)

  4. WALL OF FREEDOM - Police Stand with the People - Protest Melbourne Australia

    WALL OF FREEDOM - Police Stand with the People - Protest Melbourne Australia

  5. Protesting at Melbourne Cup - Freedom Frenzy as Police Watch Over Freedom Fighters

    Protesting at Melbourne Cup - Freedom Frenzy as Police Watch Over Freedom Fighters

  6. Leaving CCP controlled Victoria (CCP: Cobram Check Point) 29/9/21

    Leaving CCP controlled Victoria (CCP: Cobram Check Point) 29/9/21

  7. Toilet Protest as Police Await Protestors Showgrounds (02/11/21)

    Toilet Protest as Police Await Protestors Showgrounds (02/11/21)

  8. "The People United We Will Never be Defeated" - 06/11/21 Melbourne Australia

    "The People United We Will Never be Defeated" - 06/11/21 Melbourne Australia

  9. Women Walking Away Crying (1345hrs) 24/09/21 Flinders Street Station, Melbourne OzDanaghstan

    Women Walking Away Crying (1345hrs) 24/09/21 Flinders Street Station, Melbourne OzDanaghstan

  10. WARNING [DO NOT ENTER THE CBD] - POLICE Everywhere - Melbourne [Bourke St Mall] - 1230hrs AEST (z)

    WARNING [DO NOT ENTER THE CBD] - POLICE Everywhere - Melbourne [Bourke St Mall] - 1230hrs AEST (z)

  11. Frontline Healthcare Workers Say "My Body, My Choice" - Police in Support

    Frontline Healthcare Workers Say "My Body, My Choice" - Police in Support

  12. Truckers Drive Through Border - VIC/ NSW Border 1515hrsAEST - 29/9/21

    Truckers Drive Through Border - VIC/ NSW Border 1515hrsAEST - 29/9/21
