The AMORPHIC Secret of God: Alex Jones and Madonna BOTH (Whaaat?) Describe "God" ABSOLUTELY ACCURATELY and Perfectly! | Every Now and Then Alex Jones Refrains From Appeasing His Core Audience with His God-Fearing Act and Talks the Amorphic Truth
An American Legend is Born (MUST WATCH TIL THE END) | WE in 5D: What Did I Tell You? The 'Colored People' Will Play a LARGE Part Very Specifically and Quite Literally in the Ridding of the So-Called Elite | 🔥🔱
GET TO KNOW YOUR SHERIFF. Cuz When You're Tired of This Crap This is What the Scene Looks Like—Not Because You Can't Do Better, But You Never Do. Humans Wait Til the Last Minute and Corner Themselves into the TOUGHEST Timelines. So, Be Ready!!
VOTE TRUMP. ...His Words Not Mine (But I Agree, Though I Don't Think Many Quiet-Mouthed 'Spiritual Teachers' Who Counted on Him in Their Own –Fixed– Way Do; Nor Did They Expect This 😂)
Dependent Non-Sovereign Soul (AKA The Modern-Day Liberal) Reveals EXACTLY Who He is and the Quality of His Soul. BUT He is Self-Aware Enough to Know Kamala Would Struggle to Win 2024. Meanwhile, TRUMP MUST HAMMER CHILD TRAFFICKING IN ALL DEBATES!
New Yorkers Praise President Trump Right in Front of Biden and Harris at 9/11 Memorial! + Sleepy-Joe Too Sleepy to Realize He Put on a MAGA Hat or is This Just Lost Humor?
Trump's Old Classmate with a Blast-From-The-Past Story, Which Doesn't Shock Most Who've Kept Track of Trump 40+ Years, But is Kept Hidden By the Modern-Liberals and Certainly Rothschild-Owned Illuminati Media!