2 years agoBURKINI A LA PISCINE_A week ago_a French TV interview of a student union representative sparked a naMISTERELIOTT
2 years agoBURKINI A LA PISCINE_LA FEMME MUSULMANE_“If we stay at home, they say we are submissive. If we speakMISTERELIOTT
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2 years agoLes victimes de violence conjugale sont des personnes de tout âge, sexe, classe socio-économique, niMISTERELIOTT
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2 years agoBANGALA GATE les risques augmentent car vous commencez à accorder plus d’importance à l’autre personMISTERELIOTT
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2 years agoTikTok Korra Obidi Happy after the Divorce_I’ve noticed things about my kids, and myself — things thMISTERELIOTT