1. Salvation Army needs volunterrs for meals & bell ringing

    Salvation Army needs volunterrs for meals & bell ringing

  2. Cute and happy Kitten learning how to ask for food by ringing a bell - smart kitten

    Cute and happy Kitten learning how to ask for food by ringing a bell - smart kitten

  3. I don't hear the bell ringing.

    I don't hear the bell ringing.

  4. Brilliant Cat ringing bell and getting Food from owner Funny Animal Videos Fun to Fun

    Brilliant Cat ringing bell and getting Food from owner Funny Animal Videos Fun to Fun

  5. Salvation Army Celebrity bell ringing this weekend

    Salvation Army Celebrity bell ringing this weekend

  6. Marking Veterans Day with bell ringing, a parade, other events

    Marking Veterans Day with bell ringing, a parade, other events

  7. Salvation Army raises money through high-tech Christmas bell ringing

    Salvation Army raises money through high-tech Christmas bell ringing

  8. Salvation Army Celebrity Bell Ringing this weekend

    Salvation Army Celebrity Bell Ringing this weekend

  9. Dog ringing the bell to get into the house!

    Dog ringing the bell to get into the house!

  10. Cat demands food by ringing the bell: Bring me food!

    Cat demands food by ringing the bell: Bring me food!

  11. Relaxing Bell Ringing Sound - Hassan Ali

    Relaxing Bell Ringing Sound - Hassan Ali

  12. 1000th ringing of honor bell at Ft Logan National Cemetery

    1000th ringing of honor bell at Ft Logan National Cemetery

  13. It’s a sound synonymous with the holiday season, but it’s not the only melody you’ll hear courtesy the Salvation Army. The bell ringing and subsequent beat goes on alongside a Christmas Kickoff Concert. The 2nd Annual "Rock the Red Kettle" Concert

    It’s a sound synonymous with the holiday season, but it’s not the only melody you’ll hear courtesy the Salvation Army. The bell ringing and subsequent beat goes on alongside a Christmas Kickoff Concert. The 2nd Annual "Rock the Red Kettle" Concert

  14. Cute cats dont stop ringing the bell to get food

    Cute cats dont stop ringing the bell to get food

  15. Howling dog sings along to ringing of church bell

    Howling dog sings along to ringing of church bell

  16. Ringing the Bell after 846 days of chemo

    Ringing the Bell after 846 days of chemo

  17. Red Wings help Salvation Army with annual bell-ringing event

    Red Wings help Salvation Army with annual bell-ringing event

  18. Chandler man has collected $32,000 ringing bell for Salvation Army

    Chandler man has collected $32,000 ringing bell for Salvation Army