Executive Order 14067 Explained | Catherine Austin Fitts Explains, "A Digital Transaction Control Grid...Your Money Will Turn Off 5 Miles from Your Home."
Yuval Noah Harari | "You Need to Trust Alot of Institutions In Order for Democracy to Function. Dictatorship On the Other Hand It Functions On the Basis of Distrust. For a Dictator It's a Good Thing That People Don't Trust What They Hear On
Yuval Noah Harari | "It's Not Always Possible to Have Democracy. Democracy Needs Some Quite Rare Preconditions In Order to Exist. One of Them Is That People Don't See Their People Rivals As Enemies."
Yuval Noah Harari | "Trump Is Destroying the U.S. Alliance System Around the World." and "In Order to Solve the Climate Crisis We Will Need to Give Up Alot of Our Most Cherished Needs."