1 year agoThe Moon Controls the Tides on Earth but Science has never been Proven this.. #moon #earth #waterzacharydenman
1 year agoLey Lines go Deep into our Earth Influencing Human Consciousness in more Ways Than We Know #leylineszacharydenman
1 year agoRemember there are Ley Lines all around us.. that pulse throughout Planet Earth #leylines #earthzacharydenman
1 year agoFirst Television signal was broadcast in 1936 at Alexandra Palace created by John Baird #leylineszacharydenman
1 year agoIn 1936 the BBC broadcast at Alexandra Palace, the same month Crystal Palace burn't Down #leylineszacharydenman
1 year agoIn 1927 as many as 34,000 infants were reportedly placed in Italian Foundling Homes every 12 Monthszacharydenman
1 year agoTartarians used semitones or the smallest intervals in a chromatic scale #frequency #cymaticszacharydenman
2 years agoDid Arthur C Clarke have an insight into advanced technologies with his Science Fiction books #scifizacharydenman
1 year agoThe Tuscarora American Natives fought the Stone Giants or Ronnong Wetowanca #giants #nativeamericanzacharydenman
1 year agoWe had a World Reset before the Industrial Revolution #tartaria #tartarian #tartars #resetzacharydenman
1 year agoWhy And How Were the these Cities Empty in the #1800s ? Photographs Taken High Up With No Peoplezacharydenman
1 year agoLuis Walter Alvarez witnessed Project Trinity flying 25 Miles from the Trinity Test Sitezacharydenman
1 year agoCymatic Temples in Great Tartaria Harmonised The Minds of Tartarians Through Rhythmic Sound Waveszacharydenman
1 year agoThere was a huge amount of Migration in the 1800s Many People went to South America #orphantrainszacharydenman
1 year agoOperation Highjump was terminated very suddenly... #antartica #operationhighjump #byrdzacharydenman
1 year agoRear Admiral Byrd created his own Masonic called Order of The Penguin #operationhighjump #antarcticazacharydenman
1 year agoSome of the US Navy Sailors suffered Mental Disorders after Operation Highjump.. #operationhighjumpzacharydenman
2 years agoDid the Germans go the moon in 1942? #moonlanding #moon #spaceprogram #conspiracyzacharydenman
1 year agoMaidu American Indians say Three Crazy Bears who came from a small glowing moon #bigfoot #sasquatchzacharydenman
1 year agoTartarian Star Forts Coordinated the Electromagnetic Energy stored in Toroid Coils in Great Tartariazacharydenman
1 year agoIn 1864 the Spanish Government decided the foundling home Orphans to be sent to the United States..zacharydenman
1 year agoCharles Corradino Di Peso did not use any scientific methodology to examine the Acambaro figureszacharydenman
1 year agoAirships Would Use The Masting Stations To Board Passengers Which Sometimes Had Elevators #airshipzacharydenman