10 months agoVaccine Genocide - Dr Delores Cahill - All C19 Vaxxed ‘Will Die Within 3 to 5 Years' (Short Version)Biological Medicine
2 years agoFDA: mRNA Vaccines cause "Significantly Elevated Risks of Myocarditis with Long Term Effects"OCPatriot
1 year agoJOHN CAMPBELL a | IMMUNE RESPONSE to mRNA spike protein may ATTACK HEART MUSCLEDoctors To Trust
1 month agoThe COVID-19 mRNA vaccines can change the microRNA (miRNA) expression.Doctors For Covid Ethics
1 year agoDr. Ryan Cole: “There’s So Much Literature Surrounding the Bad Effects of This [Spike] Protein”Vigilant News NetworkVerified
2 years agoFDA Admits mRNA Vaccines Cause "Significantly Elevated" Risk of Myocarditis w/ "Long-Term Effects"Chief Nerd
2 years agoThere will be 10 mRNA kill injections per human on earth14Feb2023The Ascension Diet Eating To Ascend - a resource for truthseekers
1 year agoVaccine Disaster, Best Case Scenario - 600 Million People Incapacitated - @DrDMartinWorldSlavica Vukmanovic
1 month agoDon't Forget: ZUCK banned vax injury talk, but warned his own staff against mRNAgalacticstorm
10 months agoAnyone who praises mRNA vaccines as safe and effective, is either ignorant or evil.Asher Press
10 months agoDr. Liz Mumper – Explains Financial Incentives for Vaccinating Children and Dangers of mRNA VaccinesWaking the World up
10 months agoDr. Sucharit Bhakdi: Anyone who praises mRNA vaccines is either ignorant or evilnewstart2024Verified