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2 years ago16 Survive in a snow mountain at minus 60 degrees, sleep in a haystack, and eat roast pork for warGroupEquality
2 years ago29 %%%%% Survive in a snow mountain at minus 60 degrees, sleep in a haystack, and eat roast pork forGroupEquality
2 years ago17 !!!!! Survive in a snow mountain at minus 60 degrees, sleep in a haystack, and eat roast pork forGroupEquality
2 years ago8 !!! Survive in a snow mountain at minus 60 degrees, sleep in a haystack, and eat roast pork for waGroupEquality
2 years ago7 %%% Survive in a snow mountain at minus 60 degrees, sleep in a haystack, and eat roast pork for waGroupEquality
2 years ago23 %%%%% Survive in a snow mountain at minus 60 degrees, sleep in a haystack, and eat roast pork forGroupEquality
2 years ago2 $$$$$ Survive in a snow mountain at minus 60 degrees, sleep in a haystack, and eat roast pork forGroupEquality
2 years ago32 Survive in a snow mountain at minus 60 degrees, sleep in a haystack, and eat roast pork forGroupEquality