Central Bank Digital Currencies | "The BRICS Nations Are Working Overtime to Create a Brand New Currency of Their Own That Will Be Pegged to Physical Assets Such As GOLD." - EPOCH TIMES (April 6th 2023)
Dr. Vladimir Zelenko | “Sometimes We Yearn Silence And You Focus And Really Listen You Can Perceive Her Presence And You Can Hear Her Loving Voice Calling Down From Above.” - Dr. Vladimir Zelenko
Central Bank Digital Currencies | "FedNow Launches In July 2023. The Central Bankers Around the World Have Admitted That It's About Control, It's Not About Money." - Whitney Webb (Investigative Journalist)
Dr. Bryan Ardis | “These Two Venoms Of These Two Snakes Target Nicotine Receptors In The Brainstem That Control Smooth Muscle Contractions Like The Diaphragm You Breathe With.” - Dr. Bryan Ardis
Francis Collins | "I Did Have the Chance to Try to Go On Podcasts With People Who Have the Ear of Evangelical Christians. People Like Rick Warren, People Like Franklin Graham, People Like Tim Keller."
CBDC | "Brazilian President Lula (Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva President of Brazil) Has Defended the Creation of a Common Currency Amongst the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China & South Africa) Nations." - April 14th 2023
Doctor Peter McCullough | “Did You Know In The UK And Europe They Have Had Enough Of This, They Just Banned Puberty Blockers in The UK.” - Peter McCullough
Dr. Sherri Tenpenny | “You Can’t Go Take A Tea, Or A Foot Bath, Or Detox Yourself From Something That Has Damaged Tissue And Destroyed Your DNA.” - Dr. Sherri Tenpenny