1. USS Bald Eagle Cam 1 6-8-23 @ 15:03 Hop trying out for the Pittsburgh Penguin goalie position

    USS Bald Eagle Cam 1 6-8-23 @ 15:03 Hop trying out for the Pittsburgh Penguin goalie position

  2. Uss Bald Eagle Cam 1 7-18-23 @ 14:46;33 Fish delivery. All three in the nest. Hop mantles fish

    Uss Bald Eagle Cam 1 7-18-23 @ 14:46;33 Fish delivery. All three in the nest. Hop mantles fish

  3. USS Bald Eagle Cam 3 7-16-23 @ 18:06;58 Hop flips upside down and hangs before flying off

    USS Bald Eagle Cam 3 7-16-23 @ 18:06;58 Hop flips upside down and hangs before flying off

  4. USS Bald Eagle Cam 1 9-23-23 @ 7:42am Irvin flying down river.

    USS Bald Eagle Cam 1 9-23-23 @ 7:42am Irvin flying down river.

  5. USS Eagles-Claire with beak feather close up 2023 03 08 @ 13:27

    USS Eagles-Claire with beak feather close up 2023 03 08 @ 13:27

  6. USS Bald Eagle Cam 1 4-5-23 @18-10-15 Egg roll with great view of PIP

    USS Bald Eagle Cam 1 4-5-23 @18-10-15 Egg roll with great view of PIP

  7. USS Bald Eagle Cam 2 6-18-23 @ 20:00 Irvin and Claire feast on river bank Cam 2 view

    USS Bald Eagle Cam 2 6-18-23 @ 20:00 Irvin and Claire feast on river bank Cam 2 view

  8. USS Bald Eagle Cam 2 5-25-23 @ 10:58:11 Great fly in by Irvin with fish. Claire right behind

    USS Bald Eagle Cam 2 5-25-23 @ 10:58:11 Great fly in by Irvin with fish. Claire right behind

  9. USS Bald Eagle Cam 1 7-20-23 @ 18:11:40 Hop chases Parent out of the nest

    USS Bald Eagle Cam 1 7-20-23 @ 18:11:40 Hop chases Parent out of the nest

  10. USS EAGLES - 4-5-23 @23:37 Official Hatch of USS6

    USS EAGLES - 4-5-23 @23:37 Official Hatch of USS6

  11. USS Bald Eagle Cam 1 4-13-23 @ 16:34:30 Irvin Heraldic pose

    USS Bald Eagle Cam 1 4-13-23 @ 16:34:30 Irvin Heraldic pose

  12. USS Eagles - Down the Hatch, Hop Swallows the Tail 04-27-23

    USS Eagles - Down the Hatch, Hop Swallows the Tail 04-27-23

  13. USS Bald Eagle Cam 1 6-3-23 @ 17:04:03 Hop shows off sheath of feathers during afternoon preening

    USS Bald Eagle Cam 1 6-3-23 @ 17:04:03 Hop shows off sheath of feathers during afternoon preening

  14. USS Bald Eagle Cam 1 6-4-23 @ 09:27 - Hop does a little aerating to help dry out the nest.

    USS Bald Eagle Cam 1 6-4-23 @ 09:27 - Hop does a little aerating to help dry out the nest.

  15. USS Cam 1 5-24-23 @ 10:40 Hop defeathers small bird and self feeds

    USS Cam 1 5-24-23 @ 10:40 Hop defeathers small bird and self feeds

  16. USS Eagle Cam 1 7-17-23 @ 8:12 am Irvin brings in fish for Hop.

    USS Eagle Cam 1 7-17-23 @ 8:12 am Irvin brings in fish for Hop.

  17. USS Bald Eagle Cam 2 7-17-23 @ 9:19:55 Great fly in by Irvin and Hop.

    USS Bald Eagle Cam 2 7-17-23 @ 9:19:55 Great fly in by Irvin and Hop.

  18. USS Bald Eagle 6-23-23 @ 6:37:22 Hop jumps from one branch to another.

    USS Bald Eagle 6-23-23 @ 6:37:22 Hop jumps from one branch to another.

  19. USS Bald Eagle Cam 1 4-5-23 @ 15:57:54 Egg roll with promising PIP view near beak

    USS Bald Eagle Cam 1 4-5-23 @ 15:57:54 Egg roll with promising PIP view near beak

  20. USS Bald Eagle Cam 2 6-23-23 @ 06:42:48 Great view of Hop on branch looking over the Monongehala

    USS Bald Eagle Cam 2 6-23-23 @ 06:42:48 Great view of Hop on branch looking over the Monongehala

  21. USS Bald Eagle Cam 2 4-25-23 @14:05:02 - Juvenile Bald Eagle visitor by top right corner of screen

    USS Bald Eagle Cam 2 4-25-23 @14:05:02 - Juvenile Bald Eagle visitor by top right corner of screen

  22. USS Bald Eagle Cam 1 5-15-23 @ 18:07 - Hop finds Irvin's molted feather.

    USS Bald Eagle Cam 1 5-15-23 @ 18:07 - Hop finds Irvin's molted feather.

  23. USS Bald Eagle Cam 1 5-17-23 @20:14:11 Irvin brings in large cat fish

    USS Bald Eagle Cam 1 5-17-23 @20:14:11 Irvin brings in large cat fish

  24. USS Bald Eagle Cam 1 4-22-23 @ 19:20 Hop stands in front of Claire with full crop

    USS Bald Eagle Cam 1 4-22-23 @ 19:20 Hop stands in front of Claire with full crop
