1. ‘I Don’t Even Recognize The America That I Grew Up In Anymore’- Debbie Lesko

    ‘I Don’t Even Recognize The America That I Grew Up In Anymore’- Debbie Lesko

  2. Lesko Talks About Record High Gas Prices on the House Floor

    Lesko Talks About Record High Gas Prices on the House Floor

  3. Lesko Talks About Record High Gas Prices on the House Floor

    Lesko Talks About Record High Gas Prices on the House Floor

  4. Congresswoman Debbie Lesko's Statement on the Anniversary of January 6th

    Congresswoman Debbie Lesko's Statement on the Anniversary of January 6th

  5. Rep. Debbie Lesko shared the real story of a constituent who was forced to take the COVID-19 vaccine

    Rep. Debbie Lesko shared the real story of a constituent who was forced to take the COVID-19 vaccine

  6. 'Outrageous Cost Of Living Increases'- Debbie Lesko Lays Into Biden's Energy Policy

    'Outrageous Cost Of Living Increases'- Debbie Lesko Lays Into Biden's Energy Policy

  7. 'Why Would A Current Tiktok Employee Say This If It Wasn't True-'- TikTok CEO Grilled By Lesko

    'Why Would A Current Tiktok Employee Say This If It Wasn't True-'- TikTok CEO Grilled By Lesko

  8. Phoenix woman, also named Debbie Lesko, getting berated on social media

    Phoenix woman, also named Debbie Lesko, getting berated on social media

  9. Lesko Talks Reparations for Illegal immigrants

    Lesko Talks Reparations for Illegal immigrants

  10. Congresswoman Debbie Lesko's Statement on the Anniversary of January 6th

    Congresswoman Debbie Lesko's Statement on the Anniversary of January 6th

  11. Lesko Pushes Back Against Dems' Freedom to CHEAT Act

    Lesko Pushes Back Against Dems' Freedom to CHEAT Act

  12. Lesko Calls Out House Democrats’ Self Righteousness on Masks

    Lesko Calls Out House Democrats’ Self Righteousness on Masks

  13. Lesko Calls BS on Dems Proposed Oversight Committee

    Lesko Calls BS on Dems Proposed Oversight Committee

  14. 👀 Congresswoman Debbie Lesko Slams Democrats Sham Impeachment

    👀 Congresswoman Debbie Lesko Slams Democrats Sham Impeachment

  15. Rep. Lesko: Schiff Trying “To Deceive The American Public” W/ A “Totally Unjust” Impeachment Process

    Rep. Lesko: Schiff Trying “To Deceive The American Public” W/ A “Totally Unjust” Impeachment Process

  16. New poll shows Debbie Lesko in the lead for special congressional election

    New poll shows Debbie Lesko in the lead for special congressional election

  17. Debbie Lesko speaks ahead of special election in Arizona

    Debbie Lesko speaks ahead of special election in Arizona

  18. Debbie Lesko, Hiral Tipirneni face off in tight Congressional District 8 battle

    Debbie Lesko, Hiral Tipirneni face off in tight Congressional District 8 battle

  19. Music video of Trump's Florence Arizona rally * January 15, 2022

    Music video of Trump's Florence Arizona rally * January 15, 2022

  20. The wing on theKoenigsegg lesko

    The wing on theKoenigsegg lesko

  21. Debbie Lesko leads race for Arizona congressional seat according to new poll

    Debbie Lesko leads race for Arizona congressional seat according to new poll

  22. Republican Debbie Lesko declared winner in CD-8 race, according to Associated Press

    Republican Debbie Lesko declared winner in CD-8 race, according to Associated Press