1. IPS hired PR firm to help ask taxpayers for nearly $1B in additional funding

    IPS hired PR firm to help ask taxpayers for nearly $1B in additional funding

  2. Downtown Indianapolis Marsh officially becomes Needler's Fresh Market

    Downtown Indianapolis Marsh officially becomes Needler's Fresh Market

  3. IPS reduces tax hike proposal by millions of dollars

    IPS reduces tax hike proposal by millions of dollars

  4. IPS moving ahead with referendum, despite no known dollar amount

    IPS moving ahead with referendum, despite no known dollar amount

  5. IPS Superintendent Ferebee withdraws name from consideration to lead Los Angeles Schools

    IPS Superintendent Ferebee withdraws name from consideration to lead Los Angeles Schools

  6. 27 more IPS personnel, teachers resign from school district

    27 more IPS personnel, teachers resign from school district

  7. 2 failing Indianapolis schools could become Innovation Network Schools

    2 failing Indianapolis schools could become Innovation Network Schools

  8. Parents weigh in on Indianapolis School Board's decision to close high schools

    Parents weigh in on Indianapolis School Board's decision to close high schools

  9. Indiana legislature fails to change law that requires vacant schools be made available to charter schools before selling to other buyers

    Indiana legislature fails to change law that requires vacant schools be made available to charter schools before selling to other buyers

  10. IPS plans to close Broad Ripple High School, convert Arlington and Northwest to middle schools

    IPS plans to close Broad Ripple High School, convert Arlington and Northwest to middle schools

  11. IPS waits until almost 10 a.m. to cancel school after issuing late call to delay two hours earlier

    IPS waits until almost 10 a.m. to cancel school after issuing late call to delay two hours earlier

  12. 🔴 Breaking Chains: The Real Story of Plus-Size Model Allie Weber [4K 60FPS]

    🔴 Breaking Chains: The Real Story of Plus-Size Model Allie Weber [4K 60FPS]

  13. IPS plans to close Broad Ripple High School, convert Arlington and Northwest to middle schools

    IPS plans to close Broad Ripple High School, convert Arlington and Northwest to middle schools

  14. CALL 6: IPS plans bonuses for high school teachers

    CALL 6: IPS plans bonuses for high school teachers

  15. CALL 6: IPS plans bonuses for high school teachers

    CALL 6: IPS plans bonuses for high school teachers

  16. Broad Ripple High School students, alumni celebrate possible last homecoming

    Broad Ripple High School students, alumni celebrate possible last homecoming

  17. Broad Ripple High School holds what could be its final homecoming if the school is voted to close

    Broad Ripple High School holds what could be its final homecoming if the school is voted to close

  18. Central Indiana students to participate in National Walkout on March 14

    Central Indiana students to participate in National Walkout on March 14

  19. Elementary school celebrates National Arts in Education Week

    Elementary school celebrates National Arts in Education Week

  20. More IPS students could soon be riding the IndyGo bus to school

    More IPS students could soon be riding the IndyGo bus to school

  21. Delay of IPS funding vote could mean layoffs across the district

    Delay of IPS funding vote could mean layoffs across the district