5 months agoGRAPHIC! Oct.7th Palestinazi Hamassacre - This is why Israel MUST get rid of them all!Israel Forever
1 year agoA video found by the IDF of the Palestinian Hamas Terrorists building the tunnels city under GazaIsrael Forever
1 year agoLast call from Guy to his father before getting Kiddenaped to Gaza by Nazi Hamas/ISISIsrael Forever
1 year agoPalestinian Hamas Terrorist decapitated an Israeli soldier. Took his head to Gaza. Tried to sell it!Israel Forever
1 month agoThose "uninvolved" people in Gaza that you‘re fighting for..... are completely involved!Israel Forever
7 months agoMosab Hasan Yosef, son of Hamas co-founder: Islam is a mental illness & the muslims are mentally illIsrael Forever
1 year agoA message to Hamas in the name of the Bibas family who's 4y/o and 11 months old are still in GazaIsrael Forever
1 year agoWho doesn't Love them some Gypsy Kings? Especially when singing Ha'Tikva - Israel’s National AnthemIsrael Forever
1 year agoWARNING: HARD TO WATCH - Another Video from Hamas Body-cam. Note the bodies of Israeli civiliansIsrael Forever
6 months agoOne Israeli hostage testimony about the "humane" treatment she received in Gaza.Israel Forever
9 months agoNO innocents in Gaza: Look how joyfully they all chase the car with an Israeli hostage in trunkIsrael Forever
1 year agoPalestinian Hamas Terrorists are still shooting rockets on Israel - From the Safe Zone!Israel Forever
2 months agoWho did we send to Hell so far? Who wants to be next? Do Not Mess with Israel!Israel Forever
9 months agoKids in Turkey, a NATO ally, are being taught to call for jihad and the "death of Israel."Israel Forever
1 year agoBridget Gabriel - 2 Things you need to understand about the principles of war in IslamIsrael Forever
1 year agoEgypt keeps fortifying the border with Gaza. Why? Don't they want to help their "Suffering friends"?Israel Forever
19 days agoHow sick and psychopathic are these "Palestinian" Hamas Terrorists? Listen to this...Israel Forever
18 days agoAfter 484 days! Keith Sigel tells what he experienced in Hamas captivity in the tunnels.Israel Forever