1 year ago1- اهدا کیف به دانش آموزان کیف لباس بخاری مدرسه نیازمندان کمک کیف لوازم سگ آموزش تیدا سگ آموزش تربیتTida Dog is the most famous Police and Rescue dog on Instagram
1 year agoWounded dog being treated 負傷した犬が治療を受けている 부상당한 개를 치료하는 중 Perro herido siendo atendido Cachorro feridoTida Dog is the most famous Police and Rescue dog on Instagram
1 year agoI can't stop crying I'd die for you Die for you Morrer por você Morir por ti my dog my love dog loveTida Dog is the most famous Police and Rescue dog on Instagram
1 year agoThanks to the honest driver We had left about 600 dollars in the taxi the driver handed it over toTida Dog is the most famous Police and Rescue dog on Instagram
1 year agoThe guard dog is sensitive to the movement the guard dog Cão de guarda Perro guardian Cão de guardaTida Dog is the most famous Police and Rescue dog on Instagram