Jessie Believes George Bush Snr Was Executed for his Crimes Against Humanity and Children, Made a Deal, Envelopes Handed Out at his Funeral + Over 180,000 Indictments (June 2020) Doesn't Include Top Levels, Only Mid-Level People Who Run the System
Protector Assassins were Called into Question by the Satanic Council + The Role of Protector Assassins, They Fight on Behalf of the Elites They Protect, Fight Against Other Protectors, Physical and Spiritual Warfare
Starlink, Quantum System, Elon Musk was one of Jessie's Group of 3 in the Looking Glass Project, Could Surprise People + Starlink Works Like Alexa, Emerald City + NESARA, GESARA, Heard It's Ready to Be Rolled Out
Why Obama Chose Biden as Vice President, The Core Cell Group, Brotherhood Members Vow to Protect Those in Their Circle and Keep Their Secrets + The Friendship Bracelets, A Signal to Keep the Secret, Signal Not Just to Each Other but to All LB Members
CERN, Large Hadron Collider, Spiritual Gates, Major & Minor, Vertical & Horizontal, Operate By Song, Thanksgiving or Ecstasy (Hence Sex Magick) + 2018 Prayer, All Major Gates were Closed, Earthquake at CERN that Day, Alice Hasn't Worked Since