Yuval Noah Harari | "The Chief Value of Science Is Power. Science Is Not Really About Truth, It's About Power." - Yuval Noah Harari (Lead Klaus Schwab Advisor Praised by Obama, Zuckerberg and Gates)
Yuval Noah Harari | Why Is the Homosexual Childless Advisor to Klaus Schwab Who Is Praised by Obama, Zuckerberg & Gates Now Giving Parenting Advice? "It Can Be Very Empowering to Tell the Kid I Don't Know." - Yuval Noah Harari + CBDCs
"Football Is Gay." - The NFL (National Football League) | "We'll Convert Your Children. It Happens Bit By Bit. Quietly and Subtly and You Will Barely Notice It." - San Francisco Gay Men's Chorus
CBDCs | The Internet of Bodies | "Up Until Now the Conversation We've Been Having Is Around Freedom of Speech, However Once We Can Access People's Thoughts and People's Emotions..."
CBDCs | "Cash Is to Be Abolished and Replaced By a Digital Currency. This Will Be Allocated to Or Taken Away from Every Person In the World Who Can Then Be Found Anywhere At Anytime Via Various Tracking Systems." - Dr. Reiner Fuellmich
September 24th 2022 | Why Did Friedrich Merz (German Member of Parliament) Say, "Dear colleagues the 24th september 2022 will be remembered by all of us as a day which we will say 'I remember exactly where I was?"
Central Bank Digital Currencies | "A System That Relies Entirely On Completely Secret Information About Who Is Owning the Digital Dollar Would Not Be Viable." - Jerome H. Powell (Chair of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve)