2 years ago🇺🇦Graphic War18+🔥Zelensky Meets War Heros - Deserve Enormous Respect - Ukraine Armed Forces(ZSU)Macchiato Stalinka Travels
2 years agoThe Vaccine Spreaders of Misinformation: Bill Gates, Fauci & Company Deserve to Be Laughed AtRaisingAwareness
1 day agoE343 Rick172 Children Deserve Better World to Sing In and Not Cry Need True Hero of Faith EXCERPTRickLiberty
24 days agoIf I don't use this platform, I don't deserve it - Jennifer Lawrence #shorts #motivationemational motivation
2 years agoThis piece of shit scumbag celebrity wants you to be jobless and arrested for being unvaccinatedIwillAlwaysBeAgainstTheMandates
1 year agoThey don't deserve to be listened to - The citizens become the targetRedpillUSAPatriotsVerified
1 year agoThe American people deserve to know where all of their money is being sentRedpillUSAPatriotsVerified
5 months agoJILL BIDEN, ED.D.: "You deserve a commander-in-chief who serves with integrity and wisdomshoopdoggy