Bill Gates | HORRIFYING Genetically Modified Mosquitoes | "Rare, Deadly Viruses Spreading in US Months After Millions of Bill Gates' Genetically Modified Mosquitoes Released"
The Great Reset | "What Is Klaus Schwab's Great Reset? China, That's What's Coming. It's Beyond the Imagination of MOST People. No Action, No Traveling, Unless the QR Code Is Saying That They Can Do It." - David Icke
King Charles | The Great Reset | "After 50 Years of Trying to Champion This Cause Finally We Are Willing to Change Our Trajectory. We Need a Vast Military Style Campaign...With Trillions As HIS Disposal far Beyond Global GDP."
The Great Reset | Presented by "The Homo Deuce": Yuval Noah Harari (The Best-Selling Author of Homo Deus) and Klaus Schwab (The World Economic Forum Founder and the Author of COVID-19 / The Great Reset)
CRISPR | Jennifer Doudna | Why Is Jennifer Doudna Stating At the World Economic Forum, "Imagine That We Had a Tool Where We Could Fix Mutations In Actual DNA, a Text Editor for DNA and Cells?"
$80 Trillion | New Crash Fears As $80 Trillion 'Goes Missing'? | Bank of International Settlements Warns of $80 Trillion of Hidden Foriegn Exchange Swap Debt
Kanye West and Tucker Carlson | Kushner | Kushner "When I Sit Across the Room from a Josh Kushner and He Just Feels So Entitled to That Idea. They Weren't Serving Trump the Way We Could Have."