CBDCs | "All Western Currencies Are Mysteriously Converging Right Now Almost As If for Preparation of the Introduction of the Digital Klaus Schwab Mark."
Yuval Noah Harari | Trump | "Nationalism Is a Barrier for Cooperation On the International Level. The President of the U.S. (Trump) Said That There Is a Contradiction Between Nationalism and Globalism and That People Should Choose Nationalism."
Yuval Noah Harari | “Organisms Are Really Algorithms, And Therefore Algorithms Can Hack Organisms." + "China Is Using Gene-Editing and Brain Control Weapons to Advance Its Military and to Crush Dissent."
CBDCs | "A Completely Different Ball Game When You Start Talking About the Retail Central Bank Digital Currencies." - Axel Lehmann Chairperson of Credit Suisse
CBDCs | "With the CBDC, the Central Bank Will Have Absolute Control Over Rules and Regulations and We Will Have the Technology to Enforce That." - Agustín Carstens (General Manager of the Bank of International Settlements & Not a Male Model