1 year agoCOVID Shot? USPS Delivery Driver Claims 19 People On Her Route Died In 4 Months!SettingBrushfires
1 year agoExpert in child sex predators explains how Joe Biden exhibits all traits of child sex predatorSettingBrushfires
2 years agoSenator Coons admits he doesn’t even know what’s in the $1.7 trillion omnibus billSettingBrushfires
2 years agoSmart dog helps his human moves tires and figures out how to carry four tires in one bite..SettingBrushfires
2 years agoAnimal Rights Activist Jane Goodall Calling for DEPOPULATING THE EARTH to Solve “Climate Change”SettingBrushfires
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2 years agoBLM leaders taken to court after being accused of stealing millions of dollars from donationsSettingBrushfires
2 years agoAmsterdam swamped as the people hit the streets en masse against permanent Covid rulesSettingBrushfires
2 years agoWhen people say illegals should be processed 'offshore,' this is what tax dollars will pay forSettingBrushfires