1 year agoAMC should have moved when Apple announced $1B for new movies but AMC is controlled by criminalityDonnahueGeorge
1 year agoBBIG nominated retail investors for board of directors AMC should also AMC MOASSDonnahueGeorge
1 year agoCTB FTDs Short Interest Bank Failures Market so volatile AMC can squeeze at anytime AMC MOASSDonnahueGeorge
1 year agoAMC cost to borrow spiking to 196% Counterfeit Shares getting scarce Can AMC squeeze any day now?DonnahueGeorge
1 year agoMy thoughts on AMC vote and why their could be expedited court hearing before 4/27 AMC MOASSDonnahueGeorge
1 year agoAA claims there are no counterfeit AMC shares and that APE was free He thinks we are idiots?DonnahueGeorge
1 year agoAMC CTB Max 384% real shares on loan over 200 Million 9 days to cover Hedgies are in troubleDonnahueGeorge
1 year agoWith the FTDs threshold list and market volatility AMC could spike any day AMC MOASSDonnahueGeorge
1 year agoSea turtle nests and fraud and corruption in AMC less than 10,000 shares available to shortDonnahueGeorge
1 year agoThe AMC play is not over this week Judge Zurn is not making a decision this week AMC MOASSDonnahueGeorge
2 years agoAccording to Ortex the AMC CTB average is 321.63% Will smaller Hedgies be forced to cover?DonnahueGeorge
2 years ago0 counterfeit AMC shares available to short CTB going up Hedgies under pressureDonnahueGeorge
2 years agoHousing Market in decline Hedgies liquidity drying up Will be forced to close AMC GME shorts?DonnahueGeorge
2 years agoThe illegal manipulation of AMC continues but AMC will MOASS as market crashesDonnahueGeorge
2 years agoYou want to make unlimited profit on 100 AMC shares or 1000 shares? I’m voting No to 10-1 splitDonnahueGeorge
2 years agoAMC price dropping with 0 shares available to short yet APE rising with millions to shortDonnahueGeorge
1 year agoAMC CTB up to 1% 32,436 calls in the money 18,000,000 counterfeit AMC shares available to shortDonnahueGeorge
1 year agoAre Hedgies using APE shares as false locates to illlegaly short AMC shares and push down CTB?DonnahueGeorge
2 years agoAMC GME are not our only plays we invest in other companies also AMC GME MOASSDonnahueGeorge
1 year agoAre they using AMC tokenized shares again as false locates for the Millions of counterfeit shares?DonnahueGeorge
2 years agoAnother Adam Aaron was used to buy and sell AMC shares Criminal price manipulation Where is SEC?DonnahueGeorge