World Economic Forum | "When I Started This Job There Were Actually Very Little Countries In Africa Or Latin America That Had One Ubiquitous Type of ID And Certainly That It Was Digital & Certainly That It Was - Queen Máxima
ETYMOLOGY, THE ROOT MEANING OF WORDS “captivity ” - late 14c., "state of being a prisoner," from Latin captivitatem (nominative captivitas), “,taken prisoner,". "subjection, bondage, servitude” 🕎Ezekiel 39,23-29 KJV
The Holy Bible Old Latin Ecclesiastes "Vanity, Vanity" Text As Poetry, A Poem Affirming Love For Self And Others As An English Music Video Song, With Lyrics And Art By Qbu Kushibuchi, A Japanese Artist
THE SPIRIT OF JEALOUSY: THE SONS & PRINCES OF ISRAEL BLACKS & BLACK LATINOS - “I DONT WANT ANYMAN LUSTING AT MY WIFE CHECKING HER OUT” 🕎Ecclesiasticus 36:24 “He that getteth a wife, beginneth a possession, a help like unto Himself”