2 years agoPurple UFO Sighting 🛸 Strange Lights in the Sky 🛸 First Contact 👽 Disclosure 👽 St Elmos Firewhitegoldeagle
2 years agoTWIN FLAMES UPDATE: Comet ZTF (ZEUS )DIVINE UNION [Zefxi ] Masters of the Elements []whitegoldeagle
2 years agoThe VEILS Between the Dimensional REALMS are Thinning ~ Vibratory Gateways Between Worldswhitegoldeagle
3 years agoWhat a Wonderful World - Louis Armstrong | Guitar Cover/Mashup (Live Recording in FL Studio) [432hz]Mike on the Way
1 year agoGreat Galactic Star Nation of the New Earth Revelation #truth #love #divinefemininewhitegoldeagle
1 year agoConscious Awakened Dream Masters of the Clear Light of Bliss #love #truth #divinefemininewhitegoldeagle
1 year agoTHE COSMIC FLAME HAS RETURNED TO EARTH! Tsunami of New Possibilities and Change - Restoration of DNAwhitegoldeagle
1 year agoDivine Flow of your True DNA * UPROOTING AND DECOMPRESSION * Exit the Old Paradigm!whitegoldeagle
1 year agosay who you are where you live and an ip address and maybe you will be arrestedthestonetofallbabylon
1 year agoChristos Sophia Spiritual Warriors of God’s Kingdom on Earth #love #truth #divinefemininewhitegoldeagle