1. NY AG taunts Trump about interest he owes on civil fraud judgment

    NY AG taunts Trump about interest he owes on civil fraud judgment

  2. DELRIE ROSARIO, 36, MOM OF 4 DIES IN “FREAK” TREADMILL ACCIDENT AT GYM….“Fear ye not me? saith the LORD”…HEAVY JUDGMENT.🕎 Job 4:7 “who ever perished, being innocent? or where were the righteous cut off.”

    DELRIE ROSARIO, 36, MOM OF 4 DIES IN “FREAK” TREADMILL ACCIDENT AT GYM….“Fear ye not me? saith the LORD”…HEAVY JUDGMENT.🕎 Job 4:7 “who ever perished, being innocent? or where were the righteous cut off.”

  3. How to POSITIVELY deal with JUDGMENT ↓

    How to POSITIVELY deal with JUDGMENT ↓
