7 months agoJews and their bought politicians set up this fight between Whites and MuslimsFree Your Mind Videos
1 month agoJews have been kicked out of virtually every country they have inhabited over the past 2000 yearsFree Your Mind Videos
1 month agoHolocaust Psy-Op - 6 Million Jews Did Not Exist In Germany During WWII...Period.AwakenvideoVerified
2 days agoMossad & Sayanim: People From Israel Abroad Still Think of Themselves As Jews and IsraelisChrisR200
1 year agoJoe the Vegetable Biden Educates Parroting Never Had An Original Thought Jew Haters Who Call Zionists Jews.KingStreetNews
7 months agoJews Admit to Delighting in Raping Germans and Their Foiled Plot of Mass Poisoning ThemFree Your Mind Videos
6 months agoKay Griggs (1998) "The US State Dept is Dominated by Israeli Jews, no other group has a say" ✡️MAGA Lion HAT
2 years agoKanye West’s Antisemitic Comments A Reminder Of The Potency Of Jew HatredHonestReporting CanadaVerified
1 year agoThe people who organized nazi rallies in 1979 turned out to be jewsRussia Ukraine UpdatesVerified
3 years agoBrooklyn, NY: Muslim Palestinians & Pakistanis drive through Jewish neighborhoods intimidating Jews.RAIRFoundationUSA
5 months agoV032 A large number of Jews have arrived in Ukraine via Poland and are preparing to build the “New UTHE LIGHT IS THE TRUTH