What makes you think they will treat Civilians any different when the "Government" sicks the military on its own citizens??? -MINDLESS ORDER FOLLOWERS!
In 2016, Victoria Nuland told Congress that US advisors serve in 12 Ukrainian ministries, US-trained police operate in 18 Ukrainian cities, the US Treasury helped close 60 Ukrainian banks, and the US spent $266 million on training Ukrainian soldiers.
#PSYOP - Former State Dpt. COVID Investigator David Asher: "It appears that they materially supported the development in part of COVID-19 at the Wuhan institute of virology...and Dr. Fauci was well aware of it. The cover-up started from the highest
MYOCARDITIS; Numbers post injection up to 25,000 per million. Before covid Jabs were just 4 per million Dr. Peter McCullough; I saw a couple of cases in decades now I’m seeing it on a daily basis
BREAKING: CDC to "Investigate" Link Between Strokes & COVID-19 "Vaccines" 🤣 "The CDC is now saying there have been enough cases of people who have received the vaccine and then suffered a stroke"
Mother Knew of Dangerous Side Effects of The Covid Shots But Still Chose to Inject Her Son Who Developed Myocarditis ‘We knew this was a possibility, hearing the signals coming out of Israel’
Dr. McCullough: (SPEAKING TRUTH) Human Outrage Is Occurring At The End Of a Hypodermic Needle. "The bottom line is, the truth is like kryptonite at this point in time, and you can't stop it."
mRNA injections destroy your natural immune system causing all sorts of disease along with heart problems and blood clots. Lancet study and other studies prove the mRNA injections are dangerous and deadly.
"Dr." Fauci on Gov. DeSantis convening an investigation into Covid vaccine injuries in Florida: "Vaccinations have saved 3.2 million lives, 18 million hospitalizations, and approximately $1 trillion in costs. #ROPE
Dr. Altman joined us to discuss the reasons why all those who took part in the biggest crime committed against humanity cannot claim incompetence - the evidence is too overwhelming.
My heart breaks for her But I don’t know how any pregnant woman would think that an untested experimental "pharmaceutical" product is okay to take during pregnancy - Wake up now.