The Great Reset | "(2002) UNC Filed a Patent On An Infectious Replication Defective Clone of Coronavirus, That Is Supposed to Target Human Cells In a Way That Can Put a Switch Inside of That Thing to Harm the Human Heart & Lung." Dr. Martin
Climate Change | Klaus Schwab Demonstrates of Climate Change One-Upmanship | "I Worked On Climate Change Since 1973. I'm Was the Person That Gave the Club of Rome It's First Big Platform." - Klaus Schwab (Schwab Founded the WEF In 1971
Central Bank Digital Currencies | How Will CBDCs Work? The Chief Executive Officer of Quant.Network (Gilbert Verdian) & Chief Product Officer (Martin Hargreaves) Shares About How Programmable Central Bank Digital Currencies Will Work?
Elon Musk | Why Did Elon Musk Buy Twitter? | "What Inhibits Human Machine Symbiosis? It's the Data Rate." + "We Could Effectively Merge with Artificial Intelligence." + "Buying Twitter Is An Accelerant to Creating X."
First Republic Bank | "Shares of First Republic Bank Plunged to Another Record Low On Monday." - Reuters (April 27th 2023) | The 14th-Largest Commercial Bank In the U.S. At the End of 2022, First Republic Hangs in Balance as Shares Plummet Again
CBDC | "Several Central Banks Have Prepared Their Microchip Implant (RFID) Chip to Be Implanted Under Your Skin. Why the Sudden Discussion of Universal Basic Income? UBI Is the Bribe to Get You to Accept the Microchip." - Professor Werner