1 year agoDr. Bhakdi Warns of Irreparable Harm Post-Injection: “I Am Convinced It Will Shorten the Life Span”RaisingAwareness
1 year agoDoctors being recognized for their investigation on Covid. Dr. Hazan and Dr. BhakdiUSGradeABeef
2 years ago“無法呼吸、疼痛、無力”、“很多人有相同症狀並且在自由車上掙扎”!環法自由車賽,多位選手身體不適!明星車手_維克多 拉法(Victor Lafay)說明為何“棄賽”?(真實的悲劇)mcy1227
17 days agoProf. Sucharit Bhakdi - Kla.tv: A Covid vakcina az emberiség történetének legnagyobb bűntényeSzkitaTV
1 year ago🔥🔥🔥 Message from Prof. Bhakdi - Digital ID - Digital Currency 🔥🔥🔥Just News - updated regulary - ohne Zensur
2 years ago近八個月來各國出現“兒童不明原因肝炎hepatitis in children”,剝開層層面紗、導因不斷明朗化,始作俑者_新冠疫苗實驗針劑(C_19 vaccine)接種的“嚴重副作用”!真的是“家庭悲劇”…mcy1227
2 years agoDr. Sucharit: 'nessuno può dire non me ne ero accorto perché è tutto pubblico'.Il Profeta Dei Complottisti
3 years agoSucharit Bhakdi Warns Parents: 'If You Give That Jab To Your Child You are Committing a Crime'RAIRFoundationUSA
3 years agoProfessor Sucharit Bhakdi - dinamiche interazione Spike vaccinale Cellule ospitePhi | Q We The People