Israel | Why Is the Man Who Calls Humans Hackable Animals, Yuval Noah Harari Leading the Largest Protests In The History Of Israel? Why Did Yuval Noah Harari State? "My Message to Benjamin Netanyahu: Stop Your Coup or We’ll Stop the Country"
Dr. Sherri Tenpenny | “You Can’t Go Take A Tea, Or A Foot Bath, Or Detox Yourself From Something That Has Damaged Tissue And Destroyed Your DNA.” - Dr. Sherri Tenpenny
Kash Patel | “You Tell Congress They Are Not Receiving Another Dollar Until Anthony Fauci Gets His Ass On Stage Under Oath And Testifies Truthfully About Why He Lied For The Last Two Years About The China Virus.” - Kash Patel
CBDC | "Do You Think That Legislatures In Your State Understand What This Bill Was Actually Designed to Do?" - Tucker Carlson "I Don't Know If They Read It." - South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem
CBDC | "If You Believe We Are Overpopulated. How Is Not Going to Be That the Policies That You Craft Stemming from That Narrative Are Colored by the Belief That There's Far To Many People." - Jordan Peterson (Canadian Psychologist & Aut
CBDCs | "When You Look At Vaccine Refusers, We'll Just Get Rid of All of the White In the United States." - Carol Baker (Chair of the CDC Advisory Committee On Immunization Appointed By President Obama)
CBDCs | "CBCDs & Vaccine Passports Are Sort of the Last Shutting of the Gate. Central Bank Digital Currencies ARE NOT Currencies. It's a Financial Transaction Control Grid. It You Don't Behave You Can Money Turned Off." - C. Fitts