Addressing Asleep-As-Anybody-Else Trump Supporters, Particularly of the Christian Slant, and Creating New Diverse Actually-Informative Expos/Conventions/Tours.
“The Artist” isn’t Just a Theme You Play Out in a Random Lifetime—IT IS A LEVEL OF CONSCIOUSNESS YOU EARN AFTER MUCH WORK ON THE KARMIC WHEEL TO LEARN TO KNOW THYSELF! | Teacher of Bob Ross, Master Painter, Bill Alexander. #Shorts
Christian Fanatic Healed by Tibetan Monk.. Healing Reverses a Week Later When She Learns the Monk isn’t Christian. She Was Healed by No Religion in the First Place —JUST the Mind. The Judgemental go to Hell for No Reason Except the Mind Creates it!
Because WW2 Was Never Fully Integrated Humanity May be on a WW3 Timeline. Matías De Stefano KEEPS IT REAL with You! A WW3 Doesn’t Mean [You] Don’t Have Divine Protection. | Know Thyself Podcast (Full Interview Linked in the Description ⇩)
ConsciouslyAWAKE with Her Qanon Novels — This Type of Behavior, By the Way, Sometimes Indicates Potential Mental Health Issues. Coherence-Lacking Displays are Also Immediately Removed. #GetGROUNDED
Ooooohhh……… | A Word to the Wise: No More Secrecy “for the Better of the People”, No More Neo-Con Deal-Making to Avoid Rocking the Boat, and No More Playing Good Illuminati Vs. Bad Illuminati.. if You Know What’s Good for Ya…
ALEX JONES IN 3.5 MIN: The Illuminati, Source Energy, Free Will, 5D, and A.I.!—He’s Not a Reductive Christian Poster Child. Hell, He Could Easily Have a Productive Chat with Sarah Elkhaldy. He Plays a “Mike Pence-Like” Matrix Role to His Audience!
Quicken the Harmony Between You Both by Allowing Them Their Path of Experiential Learning Rather Than Over-Insisting They do it Your Way. ONE [EVEN NO] SUGGESTION IS ENOUGH. | Bashar on Why There’s No Need for That, Nor is it in Their Best Interest!
#WhiteHatsInControl!?!? What in the Actual F✰CK? They Cram This into EVERY Discussion! WHO HIRED HER for Space Force!? Why Can’t We Just Have a Grand Vision for Becoming a Member of the Interstellar Community without This Bullshit!