BREAKING: Rand Paul Came Out Today to Publicly Reject a Particular GOP Presidential Candidate! Guess Which One... | WE in 5D: He is Personally One of My Top Choices for Trump's VP!
The Illuminati and Their Minion Libs Have Worked Hard to Bankrupt Donald Trump.. WAIT TIL THEY SEE THIS! | WE in 5D: The Universe Supports Your Every Truthful Need; You Don't Need to Be Donald Trump—You Need to ABORT Arguing for Your Limitations.
Lindsey Graham Mercilessly Booed While at Trump Rally! | WTF is Trump Still Associating with This Guy—Are We Serious About Being EVERYTHING We Weren’t in Term One, or WHAT? NO MORE BARGAININGS AND SUCH, WHATSOEVER. NOT AN INCH!
LOL: CNN's Internal Revolt Over the Trump Town Hall (a Product of CNN's New Ownership—Rumors and Opinions Reveal Implications That the Owner is a Friend of President Trump's). #RumorUntilConfirmed #ThatsHowiRoll #AbsoluteMeltdown
Numbers Don’t Lie. BUT POLLS DO! Vivek Ramaswamy; Trump's VP? | WE on 5D: My VP Choices Thus far are Vivek Ramaswamy, Kari Lake, Rand Paul, or Tucker Carlson.
TRUMP READS (((VIBRATION))) | WE in 5D: This Could Even Repel a Supporter/Fan Who Believes in Grace Just a Little Too Much, BUT Here is Simple Truth... SURE, One CAN Shift Vibration/Change—FEW EVERRR DO #HowManyTimesHaveYouFuckedAroundAndFoundOut?