1. Guinea fowl keets explore outside brooder

    Guinea fowl keets explore outside brooder

  2. Guinea fowl keets exploring on the first day free ranging

    Guinea fowl keets exploring on the first day free ranging

  3. Guinea fowl keets put in outdoor cage with sebright pair

    Guinea fowl keets put in outdoor cage with sebright pair

  4. Guinea fowl keets first day free ranging

    Guinea fowl keets first day free ranging

  5. Guinea fowl keets first day free ranging

    Guinea fowl keets first day free ranging

  6. 11 week guinea fowl keets peck peck peck

    11 week guinea fowl keets peck peck peck

  7. Freshly hatched lavender guinea fowl keets

    Freshly hatched lavender guinea fowl keets

  8. Removed shell from keets struggling to hatch and placed in brooder. Shrink wrapping can kill babies

    Removed shell from keets struggling to hatch and placed in brooder. Shrink wrapping can kill babies

  9. Hatchling keets asleep in brooder 💕

    Hatchling keets asleep in brooder 💕

  10. Sleepy Two week old guinea fowl keets

    Sleepy Two week old guinea fowl keets

  11. Guinea fowl keets moved from incubator to brooder

    Guinea fowl keets moved from incubator to brooder

  12. Dedicated watch dog and his guinea fowl

    Dedicated watch dog and his guinea fowl