1 year agoa Massive See Through Square Leaning over the edge of Aristillus crater on the MoonBruceSeesAll
1 year agoIlluminated Cities on the Moon Hiding Right Before Your Eyes...research-Bruce SwartzBruceSeesAll
1 year agoCities on the Moon...All Built & Excavated regions..This is not a jOke..Explain Nasa?BruceSeesAll
1 year agoAnother Lunar Ripple is that the Spaceship Exhaust? Bruce Swartz Exposing the MoonBruceSeesAll
1 year agoFires inside of Aristarchus crater Exposing the Entire Moon 1 crater at a time they ain't craterssBruceSeesAll
1 year agoUfo's Lifting off of the Moon they allow me to see them & I am going to change the...BruceSeesAll
1 year agoClouds & Ufo's & Tunnels - Bruce Sees All Youtube channel your Source for TruthBruceSeesAll
1 year agoThe Largest crater's on the Moon are how they are Smoking the Entire Moon PROOF!BruceSeesAll
1 year ago3 Objects symmetrically distanced and same size in diameter with a One at the BackBruceSeesAll
1 year agoForests on the Moon with a High Powered Telescope & Energy Connections & SourcesBruceSeesAll
1 year agoMassive Geometrical Shapes on the Moon & Buried dark surface covered in lunar dirtBruceSeesAll
1 year agoUfo's Shooting at each other on the Moon -Top Secret Research they want me to stopBruceSeesAll
1 year agoUfo seen during Annular partial Eclipse here in Montreal Quebec &the Sun Spots LIVEBruceSeesAll
1 year agoChinese Traditional Language I speak Chinese to tell them about the Moon.. YEAH!BruceSeesAll
1 year agoInfrared Flashing Cheer Up Sad Trolls there are tears all over the comment sectionBruceSeesAll
1 year agoAristarchus Plateau Installations Nobody knows about this Bruce Sees All YoutubeBruceSeesAll
1 year agothe Moon is NOT Gray She is Rusty & Colourful..a spaceship sitting in space aloneBruceSeesAll
1 year agoUfo Cover-Up Top Secret Uap sighting came to see me face to face the CandelabrumBruceSeesAll