1 year agoQuick tip for families in ICU: What does it mean if inotropes or Vasopressors are maxed out?Intensive Care Hotline
1 month agoThe ICU Team is Giving Me Mixed Messages Why My Mother Should Have a Tracheostomy and PEG!Intensive Care Hotline
1 year agoINTENSIVE CARE AT HOME is hiring ICU/PICU nurses in Melbourne and Sydney!Intensive Care at Home
1 year agoStill alive in ICU after day 10 in spite of cardiac arrest and "doom and gloom" from the ICU team?Intensive Care Hotline
1 year agoQuick Tip for Families in ICU: Waking mom up after head injury and craniotomyIntensive Care Hotline
1 year agoQuick tip for families in Intensive care: When should a tracheostomy be done for ARDS?Intensive Care Hotline
1 year agoOn 100% FIO2 on BIPAP, does mom need intubation for Covid-19 pneumonia?Intensive Care Hotline
1 year agoQuick tip for families in ICU: Lack of ECMO beds caused young people to die during COVID!Intensive Care Hotline
1 year agoQuick tip for families in ICU: How to get oxygen levels and PEEP down and do a tracheostomy in ICU?Intensive Care Hotline
1 year agoQuick tip for families in ICU: 3 things you need to pay attention to for COVID ARDS in ICU!Intensive Care Hotline
1 year agoQuick tip for families in ICU: COVID-19- ARDS and lung failure, is ECMO the right treatment?Intensive Care Hotline
1 year agoHow Can Prone Positioning Help My Critically Ill Loved One With COVID/ARDS In ICU?Intensive Care Hotline
1 year agoQuick Tip for Families in ICU:When Should ECMO be Initiated for COVID/ ARDS & Proning Isn't Working?Intensive Care Hotline
24 days agoEpisode 7: Navigating the In-between: Healing Trauma and Karmic Relationships with Tracee DunblazierJoanofAngels
1 year agoWhat’s the Life Expectancy With Multi-Organ Failure in ICU? Quick Tip for Families in Intensive CareIntensive Care Hotline
1 year agoMy 81 year old brother is Septic after foot amputation and not waking up after an induced coma! HelpIntensive Care Hotline
1 year agoQuick tip for families in ICU: Is Withdrawing Treatment for COVID-19 and Leukaemia Euthanasia?Intensive Care Hotline