Ep.282 WWIII ALERT! NATO POISED TO STRIKE RUSSIA! STALLONE: Trump is 2nd George Washington! PA Dems Openly Violate Law! Massive Coof Jab Sudden Death Study! Biden Bribery Scandal!
#43 ARIZONA CORRUPTION EXPOSED: Senator Wendy Rogers Refuses To Investigate Arizona Corruption & Election Fraud - It's Time WE THE PEOPLE DEMAND IT Marathon!
#38 ARIZONA CORRUPTION EXPOSED: Senator Wendy Rogers Tells The People of LD12 She Refuses To Investigate, Insults Them & Lies. Afraid Of What You May Find? Hmmm?
#42 ARIZONA CORRUPTION EXPOSED: Senator Wendy Rogers Refuses To Investigate Arizona Corruption - The Rockstars Of The LD12 Meeting Give A Recap - We The People Held Wendy Accountable!
463: Senator Wendy Rogers Refuses To Investigate Arizona Corruption - The Rockstars Of The LD12 Meeting Give A Recap - We The People Held Wendy Accountable!
5pm ET: The "Election System Operation", AZGOP Bribery Agreement & LD3, BOS Tyranny & The Big MCRC Circus Comes To Town Tomorrow! | Save My Freedom with Michele Swinick