SIGHTINGS: U.S. Government Covers Up Military Encounter with UFO, Russian Fighter Pilot Barely Survives UFO Encounter, UFO Hot Spot on Florida, Big Foot Captured on Film, and More! | [Vintage TV Before the CIA Had Full Grasp]
SIGHTINGS: Idaho UFO Flap, The Haunted Knickerbocker, Ancient Chinese Superstition, Airliner Barely Avoids UFO, and More! (S3 E20) | [Vintage TV Before the CIA Had Full Grasp]
President Trump’s Space Force and UFO Files | Alex Jones Mentions Trump and RFK Jr. as "White Hats", Says Trump Knows A LOT About UFO’s + John Trump and the Nikola Tesla Papers! [Alex Sounding “Kerry Cassidy-Esque, Minus JFK Jr. Nonsense.]
SIGHTINGS: U.S. Government Covers Up Military Encounter with UFO, Russian Fighter Pilot Barely Survives UFO Encounter, UFO Hot Spot on Florida, Big Foot Captured on Film, and More! [Vintage TV Before the CIA Had Full Grasp]