Dr. Stella Immanuel | "Oh btw I’m building a cyborg dragon." - Elon Musk -4/25/24 + Discover 42 Alarming X Posts Related to Elon Musk | Rev: 12:9, Rev: 16-12-14, Daniel 2:42-43 + Why Does Elon Musk Post, "Deus X Machina"?
Petrodollar | BREAKING!!! November 30th 2023 | Petrodollar Slow Death Continues As The (UAE) United Arab Emirates Ditches Dollar In Its Oil Transactions + Saudi Arabia Has Made a Deal to Trade Oil With Chinese Yuan With China
They Know They’ve Been Caught – Now They’re Rushing Their Plan Through -- September 24, 2023 RED ALERT WARNING FEMA ZOMBIE 5G APOCALYPSE -- CALLENDER & VLIET -- GET READY!! So China, Now USA!
GOLD | "Gold Prices Hit All-Time High At $2,149 / Oz, Prices Surge $75." - CNBC (December 4th 2023) + "The Most Sophisticated And Well Informed Continue to Buy Gold At a Pace That the World Has Never Seen. They No What's Coming."
H.R.6090 | Antisemitism Awareness Act of 2023 | Is U.S. Dollar About to Collapse? Who Is Yuval Noah Harari? 98% of Central Banks Are Researching, Piloting or Deploying CBDC." - World Economic Forum (4/16/24)
H.R.6090 | Antisemitism Awareness Act of 2023 | Is U.S. Dollar About to Collapse? Who Is Yuval Noah Harari? 98% of Central Banks Are Researching, Piloting or Deploying CBDC." - World Economic Forum (4/16/24)
Erick Stakelbeck | Why Is the World Focused On Israel? What Does the Bible Say About Israel & the End Times? Are We Witnessing Ezekiel 38, Revelation 16: 12-14, Mark 13, Matthew 24 & Luke 21? What Is The Great Reset?