I don't care what your religion is Or What your Hair Looks Like! Can we talk about how electronic warefare is your new e-health one-Health 4.0. System under SDG#3 Human Augmentation Biodigital Convergence?
CERN | The Great Reset’s ULTIMATE Goal to Connect ALL Humanity via mRNA Modifying Nano-Technology, Digital DNA and Quantum Artificial Intelligence (SEE 82 Citations In the Description)
Yuval Noah Harari | "Many Religions Have Always Fantasized About Having Access to Super Human Intelligence & Suddenly We Have It. A.I. Disseminating a New Holy Text Online, Which Creates the Kernel for the Next Big Religion."
Permanent Washington is trying to prevent Tulsi Gabbard from becoming Director of National Intelligence. Bernard Hudson ran counterterrorism at the CIA, and says the country needs her.