4 years ago500 - Happy Valentines Day! Travel Restrictions, Goalposts Moved, Freedom Under Attack and More!CanadaPoliVerified
2 years ago1172 Twitter and FBI Are Hand in Glove, Global Conflict is a Pageant, MAID, Guns and MoreCanadaPoliVerified
1 year agoNL Media was joined by Randy Hillier - Topic - Chinese Interference in Canadian ElectionsKen WinsorVerified
3 years ago522 - Intl Women’s Day, Who Needs a Budget?! Places Are Opening, But Not Us, Vaccines and More!CanadaPoliVerified
3 months agoHonk, Honk! Canada's History of Rebellion! -Ep. 2 Canada: A User's Guide & Owner's Manual livestreamRandy Hillier
3 months ago"Efficient Government" - Ep. 1 of Canada: A User’s Guide & Owner’s Manual livestreamRandy Hillier
3 months agoForeign Interference.. or Foreign Collaboration?? -Ep 4 - Canada: A User's Guide & Owner's ManualRandy Hillier
3 years ago800 - No province invests millions in digital ID to use it for three months.CanadaPoliVerified
3 years ago799 - The agenda is political, and therefore, the solution will have to be political.CanadaPoliVerified
4 years ago462 - Curfews and Lockdowns and Vacations and Education Campaigns for Vaccine Compliance...Oh My.CanadaPoliVerified
3 years ago526 - Covid Lockdowns and Lawsuits, Sudbury “Emergency Break,” Line Jumping and O’Toole CPCCanadaPoliVerified