Elon Musk | What Does the Bible Have to Say About Elon Musk's Fourth Industrial Revolution & Artificial Intelligence Agenda? Rev 18:22, Rev 17: 12-13, Rev 6:1-2, Rev 13: 16-18, Rev 13:13, Rev 16:12-14, Daniel 2:43
Steve Bannon | Bannon Interviews Clay Clark On Revelation 16:12-14, China, Russia, Yuval Noah Harari & Artificial Intelligence | Are the Persecution of Peter Navarro, President Trump & God-Fearing Americans Fueling a ReAwakening?
Justin Hart | Going Amish or Going AI? Seeing Through the COVID Deception, Artificial Intelligence 101, Trump Appointments, Doctor Scott Atlas, Newsy, the Fourth Industrial Revolution, & Can Trump Turn-Around American Economy?
Behold a Pale Horse | An EPIC & Mind-Blowing Interview with the SGT Report Host Discussing: Trump Indictment, Baphomet, Grimes, Musk, Transhumanism, Musk Stating, "With Artificial Intelligence We Are Summoning the Demon"
Yuval Noah Harari | Why Does Yuval Noah Harari Re-Write the Bible Using Artificial Intelligence? Why Does Yuval Noah Harari Call Humans "Hackable Animals?" Why Does Yuval Noah Harari Say, "COVID Makes Surveillance Under the Skin?
False Prophet | Who Is the Satanic False Prophet of Revelation Chapter 13? As In the Days of Noah | Who Is Yuval Noah Harari? "A.I. (Artificial Intelligence) Will Be the Final Fruit of Man Eating from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good & Evil"
Artificial Intelligence 101 | "Now You Can Sweep the Data Up from Your Automobile Driving, Sweep Up Your Social Media Usage & Based Upon That Decide How to Make a Loan." - Gensler (4/18/2023) | Sam Altman, Elon Musk, Worldcoin & WorldAPP
Boone Cutler | What Is Unrestricted Warfare? I've Got a Bad Feeling About This? | A Citizen's Guide to 5th Generation Warfare | Humanity's Fight Against Globalism & How to Fight Against Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence | "Digital Super Intelligence Might Be the Most Significant Technology That Man Ever Creates. They Are Aiming to Get $100 Billion from Somewhere to Create Digital god." - Elon Musk
Artificial Intelligence | Why Did Elon Musk Co-Found OpenAI with Sam Altman and Funding from Bill Gates? Why Are Sam Altman, Elon Musk And Klaus Schwab Pushing for Universal Basic Income?