Julie Green | Julie Interviews Clay Clark + Why Christians Must Stand Up for Biblical Principles Including: Being Pro-Life, Being Pro Biblical Marriage, Being Anti-Transhumanism, Being Anti-Mark-Of-The-Beast CBDCs, etc.
Jonathan Cahn | The Dragon’s Prophecy | Are We Living In the End Days? Israel, the Dark Resurrection And the End of Days + What Is the Biblical Justification for Being Pro-Life & Pro Traditional Marriage
Dr. Mikovits | "It's Been Proven When You Make It Difficult for People In Their Lives They Lose Their Ideological Bullsh$# & Get Vaccinated." - Fauci + Celebrating the Life of Dr. Jim Meehan (May He Rest In Peace)
CRISPR 101 + Why Is People Magazine Stating Monkeypox Could Be Spread Via Money? + Special Guest Rick Rene & Why Christians Must Press and Trust God’s Word