Gaslight (1944 Full Movie) — Literally the Origin of the Super-Used Term "Gaslighting"! | The 1944 American version has more back-story and padding while the 1940 British version sticks closely to Patrick Hamilton's more suspenseful play.
Gaslight (1940 Full Movie) — Literally the Origin of the Super-Used Term "Gaslighting"! | The 1940 British version is more streamlined and suspenseful than the American MGM version of 1944, as it sticks closely to Patrick Hamilton's play.
Chat Of The Decade: Full Infowars Coverage/Analysis with Alex Jones and Crew! | Historic Interview on Twitter/X Starts 40 min Late LITERALLY Due to Illuminati Cyber Attack—A Separate Fact From Alex Coming in 1 Hour From the Start of This Video (8/12/24)
Reality Transurfing: Everyone Gets What They Are, Thus Everyone Gets What They Choose! (An EXPANDED View of Law of Attraction) — Audiobook by Vadim Zeland | WE in 5D: LITERALLY What I’d Fall Asleep to for OVER A YEAR to Manifest My Florida Home!
Lowell Johnson's journey to Telos/Inner Earth, his tour with a Lemurian at Mt Shasta in 2020, links below including Ascension Handbook! TruthStream #250:
ARIES ♈️ April 2023 — Earning & Learning YOUR POWER, But do Stay Humble and Avoid Self-Sabotage.. + MASSIVE Healing Coming, on Multiple Dimensions! (Rather Convoluted “Saga” and Somewhat Challenging Reading for Me to do)
"Not Everyone Can go, Alex!" Roseanne on Alex Jones 3/4/23 (She Arrives at 1:25:00) | Historical “Team-Up”, LITERALLY with Ideas on How to Build New Earth — ROSEANNE IS ON FIRE!
VIRGO ♍️ May 2023 Forecast — The Lifetime in Which You Get OFF the Karmic Wheel. It’s Been a Long Hardcore Winding Road, But You’re That Much Closer to Feeling Fine.. Here Comes the Sun! Expect Lots of Ear-Ringing.